What started as an informal discussion among friends and former colleagues, Tim and Colin, quickly established into a bi-annual gathering of professionals sharing resources, insights and advice. Topics ranged from training to pay structures and from HR to marketing.
Offering a growing knowledge base and opportunity for independent operators to seek support, the network grew through invitations to other leadings companies including Barfoot & Thompson, McDonald Real Estate and others.
With such strength in its membership, the business opportunities through referrals became a natural progression for the network. A deliberately non-bureaucratic approach and freedom from of competition and politics between agencies allow referrals to flow fast and freely between members. Today, NZ Realtors is one of New Zealand’s largest referral networks.
Two decades on and the network is still growing, with the appointment of a General Manager in 2012 and through national sales projects such as that for Housing New Zealand’s FirstHome scheme. A six-strong board, still representative of the country’s leading independent agencies, continues to maintain the founding principles of the network – bound by friendship, trust and the desire to do better business in real estate.